23 September, 2005

Off to see...

...Tommo and Jonkinson tomorrow at Tommo's country retreat in Wonersh near Guildford...I have done some googling but about the only history I can find about the place is that "LtCol. Edward Gaspard Ponsonby 2nd Baron Sysonby" (who was a descendant of William the Conqueror) lived there for a while...oh and there is a church...and a historical society... ;)

Anyway, it's a lads day, so beer, curry and games (PC/Xbox and otherwise) will be the order of the day (with any luck... ;) Looking forward to it...(and meeting Tommo's remaining woodland chums)...


Unknown said...

Well, two lads anyway. Twas brillig to see you both again, it's been far too long. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed our little get togethers and how you brought me up to date with the real world. We really must make it a regular thing again.

Anonymous said...

hope you managed to drink the beer and not spill it over the carpet!

Unknown said...

It all went in the correct direction on this occasion I think... ;)