Whoops, looks like someone hit a lamp post in York Way overnight, leaving it at a bit of a crazy angle...the odd thing is, to do that you would imagine the vehicle in question must have been going quite fast, but the road (at that point) is a one-way street, in the wrong direction! And how did the thing next to it survive?
*Fink scratches his head*
(Previous crashes - bus crash (same road) and lorry crash (2 streets away) plus pictures of the aftermath)
could some one have reversed into the lamp! reversing round the corner!
This is one of those mysteries like the single shoe lying at the side of the road.
They would have to have been reversing at 30mph! Plus that is a one-way street as well, which the taxi's use as a rat-run, it would be even more dangerous than reversing at speed down York Way!
I reckon it could have been a council or waste disposal truck reversing into the pole.
Or Uri Geller was masturbating in a nearby hotel
Hahah!! ;)
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