Well, the original news article in the Austrailan Telegraph has vanished, but the "listen" pop up is still working...almost certainly a fake, but a totally hilarious one...have a go... ;)
Update - Better go here now to listen...the AT has pulled their copy... ;)
Invasion of the Mutant Caterpillars
1 day ago
A whole new nightmare lol. That can't be real surely, but then again....
I loved this dreadful noise, even Psyche came into the study, head on one side, to check out what it was !What a triumph of self delusion over reality--if you are so tone deaf perhaps it's kinder not to try to sing but then I'm still chuckling now so.....
I've just got this picture of them in the studio "Gor Blimey Pete, I 'fink I saaand 'orrible!", "Naa, possum, it's fine, you sound loike a milliun bucks" (not making eye contact)... ;)
Let's make it the Christmas number one...hehe... ;)
oh my god.... had to do research and find out what you were on about... now wish i hadn't!!!!! it's ......... awful... please tell me what panto they are in and i'll give it a very wide berth.... what about the grand prix... alonso and renault..... bet someone in your house was happy....
I support ferrari so was in a bad mood after the race!
Hehe... ;)
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