Flyingpops has a training day today, so it was back on the rural buses this morning in order to get to the station, I take them every night on the way home, so getting the bus is nothing new, it's just getting out of the door in time to catch it (they are very infrequent to the estate) which normally adds a bit of a sense of urgency to my getting up routine, unfortunately today, when I finally managed to untangle myself from the duvet, I found - to my horror - that I was going to have to be out of the house in 17 minutes...bleugh! >;(
I made it, by the skin of my teeth, and found a seat right behind a ginger-haired mother and small child, who was repeatedly banging his head against the bus window (thrown around by the motion rather than doing it voluntarily) he didn't seem to mind too much but it did rather keep my attention on him, and drew a few dissaproving glances from me towards his mother (who didn't seem to mind too much either)...this is why, when we pulled out of the hospital and into the Royal Earlswood estate, I noticed him tugging on his mothers jumper, pointing to the pair of coots who live on the pond and quite clearly saying "Mummy, Dreammail!"...
At this moment my mind did one of those nasty camera-zooming-into-face-horror-movie-type-things, I shook my head, thinking I *must* have imagined it, and then he said it again - "Mummy, Dreammail!"...God knows what he was *really* saying (or trying to say), but DREAMmail (the email system) has been the source of some extremely stressful, very long days and very late nights for me over the last month...
It's really shaken me up!
think you should explain why you were on the bus today... i was a little confused to start with.... then sussed it..... first off i thought i'd have an insight into what flyingpops was going to be learning today!!!!!... but it's ok.. i did make sense of todays blog... hic... too much vod... (again)!...
Heh... ;) Her training didn't start until 10am, and I had to be in the office by 9am... ;)
Yeah Fink! Until you have your very own Micky mouse, this is all good training for you, HAAHAHA!
And I'm still wondering about that kiddo with his "dreammail"
Perhaps he's been in the company of Swiss speaking people, because they will say "Drr e-mail"
As I'm sure you know, Swiss is a dialect, but their writing is all in German. :-)
That picture is incredible!!
Every time I look at it, it almost blinds me, LMAO!!
Hehe... ;) Well, could be, but he must be confusing e-mail with small water-dwelling avians... ;)
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