- my team moved desks a few weeks back, so I thought I would share a picture of the space we now inhabit...(I've spoken about my office before), but this should give you an idea what it's like to work in this "imaginatively converted warehouse"), from up above, with all the walkways and netting it kind of feels like being in a grown up adventure playground, but in the depths (where we sit) I'm afraid it feels a bit like working in Alcatraz (might do, obviously I never actually worked there in order to make the comparison)...
There is also the fear factor, the constant upward glances in case someone accidentally drops a pen on you when you are walking to the tea machine (the old lags don't do it, being jaded to the risk)...but for the new inmate it's intimidating - in places the nets are littered with previous accidents that no-one has bothered to retrieve (pens, books, rulers...the odd *coin*)...
Touch wood though, nothing has hit me yet... ;)
I also don't like it when the wooden bridges creak under you, that's unpleasant...I've had at least one dream where I have been trapped 3 stories up hanging onto a tiny bit of remaining structure...*shudder*...and the really odd thing? Just very occasionally getting the crazy notion in your head that you should test the netting by leaping off (and that's from a confirmed acrophobic)...does funny things to me, this place... ;)
Looks like your doing bird to me how are the screws?
Lol, it really does look like a prison!
Yes, it does look rather austere and prison like
I was going to ask what the porridge is like in your canteen at "work", but I see everyone else had the same idea...
Have you done the webcam monitoring thing yet to see what's going on at night?
Well, since we moved it's only happened the once and to cannibalise my only webcam and turn it infra-red...I need a little more provocation...
"Here ghosty, ghosty, ghosty"... ;)
It happened again after I wrote that, draw your own conclusions, but put it this way, I'm keeping my eyes open at the car boot sales...the process of turning a webcam into IR vision is very easy, when I get one I'll document it... ;)
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