Took a trip up to Priory farm this morning (our local Farm shop/Garden Centre) to take a look at their Halloween display (which is normally very good), they didn't disapoint this year either -

- with some rather spooky trees guarding the entrance -

- and the sign inviting visitors to try and find the Pumpkin King on his throne -

- somewhere in "Spooky castle" -

- (he wasn't too hard to find, sat there on his "throne", har har ;)

We had a bit of a walk round the rest of the place (didn't know that they had stocked ponds there too) -

- and found the (very muddy) pumpkin patch, well, more like pumpkin field actually... ;) Then the gathering storm forced us back to the car, shame, because it was supposed to be their "fun day" today when all the kids come visiting, oh dear... :(
Yeah they have fishing there too, and in the summer months you can do mountain boarding
It's worth trying - at least once!
I'd probably break something more significant! Best to watch the experts... ;)
well did you buy a pumpkin....? or did you decide not to?.... oh was it last year or the year before yours was stolen????..... vod queen is very interested in this info.......hic!
Nope, didn't buy one...it was our first year in the house that we left the pumpkin outside and it got nicked, last year we made them too early and they rotted before Halloween! Our track record on pumpkins is rather unimpressive!
Halloween is no big thing here - but the Germans go Ape for it.
At the our Pumpkin Paradise, a few Sundays ago, you could die of boredom - no activities or amusement in sight. Except for a couple of jodlers, hoooooo! LOL!!
I had to google that Gincoleaves, for everyone elses benefit the english word for "Jodlers" is "Yodelers" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yodeling
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