Really didn't want to get out of bed this morning, the clocks haven't even gone back yet (last Sunday in October, don't forget!) and it's already dark when the alarm goes off...then managed to miss the early train, the one I did get had a faulty announcement system (every time it came on to announce the next station it was punctuated by very loud crackles), just miss a bus (I knew because there was no queue) and then that bus got held up when a cyclist nearly got thrown from his bike by an unobservant driver at the junction of Cannon Street and King William Street...now, considering I was at the top of the noisy bus about 200 yards from the incident, he must have yelled *extremely* loudly, because I looked up from the paper to see what had happened, and about 200 other people stopped what they were doing too and we were all staring at this hapless motorist get the roof of his car (repeatedly) walloped while the cyclist communicated his current state of mind to him in crystal clear, bullhorn fashion...by the time he finished expressing his displeasure (it felt like a very long time to me, and I wasn't on the receiving end), I think everyone was feeling rather sorry for the motorist, there were many wincing faces in the crowd (including mine)...it look him a while to pull away after the cyclist finally peddled speedily off (probably *very* carefully checking his mirrors this time)... ;)
We have genuine suicide cyclists
on our roads and they are free to make and brake as they please - the poor motorist is always at fault. I once saw a sticker on someone's bicycle "Die strasse gehört mir" The street belongs to me. Takes guts to leave the house with such an attitude.
Oh don't remind me of the time change, another thing I'll never get used to, LMAO!!!
Wow, is it literally in the highway code that you have to give way to them? That's scary...
Really looking forward to the clock change...need the extra hour in bed just to catch up! Slept most of the day today (Saturday/very lazy)! ;)
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