Just recently a lot of new signs have appeared around the office, this is one of them (they can be found on the landing on each floor in one of the stairwells). Now, admittedly I'm guessing here but, in an emergency, what are we supposed to do? Wheel all the non-able bodied people into the stairwell and wish them jolly good luck (while everyone else legs it down the fire escape)?
I think I would have great difficulty with that (both in concept and execution), but if that isn't what the sign is implying, then what does it mean?
It's like something out of Monty Python "Now, Mr Smith, just to get this clear right from the off, obviously being a man in your position, you will understand that, in the event of a fire, you will, I'm afraid, have to be left in the building. Don't look so shocked, it's quite alright, we'll put you on the landing before we go, not much combustable material there, I'm sure you'll be fine. If things start to get a little hot, just wheel yourself to the nearest window, the canal will break your fall... What do you mean you can't swim?"...
love it.... but the sign in years to come, will be in how many different languages?????....
Yeah, great sign. But it puts me in mind of those hoax signs (click for example) that people put up on the London Underground recently. Is it genuine? It looks like contradictory set of instructions to me.
It's absolutely genuine..they are proper signs...But yes, I am concerned...
It's a bit lame. They should have it in Braille too.
Maybe people in wheelchairs need to check the small print in their contracts!
We'll go all Egyptian in the end, it'll all be hieroglyphics... ;)
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