I was up at the crack of dawn with Flyingpops, got to the station 40 minutes before my train, so I popped over for a cheeky McDonalds Double Sausage and Egg McMuffin for breakfast (because I could)...I ate it sat right here watching a succession of college students arriving, blocking the top of the stairs while they waited for their trains to Reigate College (totally ignoring the increasingly desperate station announcements begging them to "*please* use the whole length of the platform and not prevent other passengers from leaving the station!") apparently quite oblivious (not that it bothered me) -

- Tommo picked me up right on schedule at Chilworth and we proceeded directly to his new country mansion (the hall by the front door could double as a perfectly reasonable living room), we spent the morning slavering over Elder Scrolls Oblivion on his exquisite video card, as always (blissfully) reminising on old times, catching up on new discoveries (literary, cinematic, televisual, interactive and virtual), oh, and sinking a beer or two (all of which to great mutual delight), and then (when hunger called) off for lunch (not Chinese for a change!) -

- we happened, quite by accident on an unexpected Indian (right by the car park in Cranleigh) called "Cardamon"...we got there pretty early, but even so, it took the staff a few minutes to wake up to the fact we had arrived (I guess a lot of these places operate more at night than on lunch covers, apart from Sunday of course), we made our selection from the menu, I had a special request for my main course (Chicken Tikka Dansak, not on the menu) which was "No problem Sir"...and at a pace (perfect for our circumstances, but not otherwise (had we been on a work lunch we might have been in trouble) as it was) somewhat leasurely, the first courses arrived -

- I had ordered Lamb Tikka (starter), which seemed to be a little on the small side, and was certainly on the chewy side, but perfectly spiced...Main courses arrived, and considering my dish wasn't even on the menu, they did a wonderful job...
If I were to have one minor compaint it would be that the Dansak gravy was a *little* on the dry side...
If I were to have one minor compliment, it would be that the Dansak gravy was nicely on the spicy side...
The Garlic Naan was flawless... ;)

Popped to the "Gentleman's Salon" (before our departure), and noticed (what I am *sure* is just a borrowed) shopping trolley full of recycling (from the local supermarket) in full view in the courtyard behind the kitchen...could have probably lived without that experience... ;)

Rest of the day was spent mostly on the xbox, drinking some *more* beer, watching an *amazing* NT single actor monologue (that Tommo had recorded using Sky Plus) covering (sorry Tommo, can't remember the chaps name) a Jewish chemist's (obviously unpleasant, but occasionally ludicrously hilarious) way through the Auchwitz experience...through to late night Derren Brown mimickery (by me) (which *almost* worked)...I tried the card suggestion thing and we were one number away (on my first go)!!
Then I passed out while trying to read the first few pages of Tad Williams - Otherland...which has just lost me all respect for the guys that thought up "Second Life"...get to chapter 3 and all their inventiveness suddenly seems, well, a bit "second hand"... ;)
I haven't found a fave Indian Restaurant here yet, but there are some fabulous Indian and Chinese Restaurants in good ol' Germany (where we hang out most of the time)
Occasionally I will make my own Naan bread, but right now I'd kill for some of the good stuph - and it's all your fault, HAAAHAHA.
Ok, completely off topic but it was good to see Schumacher lose so spectacularly today. It will be interesting in Brazil to see if he (or Massa) dare to attempt any form of deliberate chicanery to try and wrest the title from Alonso's grasp. Fingers crossed for an exciting race and end to Schumacher's career. (I haven't had an indian for a while so do not feel qualified to comment. I did have M&S sushi yesterday - it was quite dull)
LOL, We had a great day and my Dhansak was spot on and just the right heat too, pity my dinner came out blurred. To top a perfect weekend, what a great finish to the GP although had a little pang at watching Schuey walking back to the pits. Hope to God McLaren are going to be on form next season for Alonso D Aardvark.
P.S. The Jewish chemist was Primo Levi
P.P.S. Levi was brilliant in many fields and the irony is that having survived the holocaust he committed suicide in 1987 by jumping down the stairwell in his apartment building. So sad.
Ginco, if you can't find good curry, that's my next recipe mission, so watch this space!
As for the GP, awesome, awesome race!!! I jumped in the air, then came running from the kitchen whooping in glee, took one look at Flyingpops (who is ill and loves Ferrari) and didn't have the heart to say anything more than..."oh hell, that's unfair, they never have engine failures"... ;(
And, I am sure it's not the way Alonso would have wanted to have won, despite HOW VERY HAPPY I AM!!!
Anyway, for the sport, it's not over, wouldn't be the first time a Renault engine gave up... ;)
Ah! Levi! Also., Tommo, check out BB's comments on the Flickr Stream, I wasn't an idiot! (for a change)! ;)
Oh and special mention - Mr X - Sushi...I'll take a lot of convincing to try it again (and NEVER for breakfast!!!) ;P
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