Really odd, I assumed this stuff would be just the same as Olbas Oil (Tesco had sold out, so had to get this instead), but *something* in it has a very odd effect on me that *doesn't* happen when I inhale Olbas vapour - when I take a big lungfull after about 4 or 5 seconds my heart starts to race, only for a very short period of time (less than 10 seconds)...but it is a bit peculiar...
I wonder if this is a known side effect (and I should just ignore it) or if I should discontinue use?
It sounds like I should go out and get some and we can do a comparitive study whereby we establish whether I can achieve the same rush....
Another option is to google the ingredients on the package and "Tour de France" and check the number of hits returned ...
Hahah...brilliant...! ;)
ever so slightly off topic but hey, why break the habit of a lifetime. Just to let you know Threshers have a 40% off voucher which can be downloaded from here
use it quick before they change their mind. Apparently there have been over 800,000 downloads of it so far - and it was only ever meant for friends and associates
I was wondering about this Threshers offer. Aren't they the buy-2-get-1-for-free crowd? In other words there's a standard 33% "discount" (for spending a certain amount). If this is so the voucher is discounting by a further 7%.
I'm not impressed - it probably means the prices were inflated in the first place.
Well, Sainsburys' offer is certainly worth a look, you can grab a case of anything, even their big offer bins and get a further 25% off the lot at the end...seems like a genuinely great case deal! Not been round Tesco yet, but if you want Christmas beer, check out Morrisons (don't buy anything else there though)... ;)
I know Sudafed used to have Ephedrine in it. This could give one hell of a rush, I think it may now be pseudo-ephedrine. Found this little anecdote.
Methamphetamine does more than boost the crime rate, create drug addicts and turn normal lives into nightmares. Its manufacturing process presents an immediate environmental hazard. The cost of cleaning up these sites can be enormous.
Most of the environmental problems arise when the cooking is actually taking place. Meth is made by taking ephedrine or super-ephedrine tablets, found in Sudafed and other decongestants, and heating them until the ephedrine is highly concentrated. It takes thousands of common ephedrine tablets to make one pound of meth.
Oh yeah that's right! I saw an episode of some New Zealand anti-grime squad documentary where they had to go in and clean up after a "Meth-lab", the poor landlord had to pay for pretty much the whole place to be gutted and burnt as it was so toxic from the fumes!
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