Another really frosty day today, almost looked like snow when I pulled back the curtains, 'twas not to be though...we got up *fairly* early, I had a lovely hot soak in the bath, there's no radiator in the bathroom so everything steams up like a sauna when the weather is chilly... ;)
Colin (against all odds) spluttered into life when Flyingpops optimistically tried him (had to gun the throttle for an uncomfortably long time though before doing so), so we took him shopping to Tesco as a reward (and thank goodness we did, as it turned into a bit of an epic "job" day, did the booze shopping for Christmas, went to Crawley business park "Next" for Flyingpops to get a new work shirt, then over (for a cup of tea) with Vodqueen and Al (scored a mini Christmas light santa and reindeer to join the other lights on Colin's dashboard, pic later) and Al took a little look at some of Colin's tender bits, to which he said he would minister in the new year...(we'll come to some sort of arrangement for repayment in kind... ;)
Anyway, got virtually into the estate on the way home and Flyingpops suggested heading up to Priory Farm shop to sort out her (now traditional) hand crafted stilton and wallnut Christmas favorite, as the one they do up there is rather good, and with a bit of chat, and a cheeky smile you can normally get them to make you one up, and freeze it before they cook it up for the deli counter, then we hang onto it to do all Flyingpops' dinners over Christmas (as she is of the vegitarian set)...however, we didn't escape that easily, the plait ordered (we can collect it next weekend)...we went over to the garden centre, where a small forest of Christmas trees has sprung up out the back...

- we picked a nice one (bumped into my Sister and Dad, and Charlie and her fella while we were there too of all the strange coincidences) - loaded the tree into Colin (how easy?)...heh, nice having a bus...

...and the tree is in the back garden in a bucket of water now, waiting for us to bring it in and decorate it next weekend...We got home (finally), I had about an hour on "Broken Sword - Angel of Death" (I'm a bit stuck trying to break into the Vatican at the moment - this nasty nun keeps foiling my attempts), then I did a lovely roast of Silverside of beef (Flyingpops' folks came over) and off to the Belfry in Redhill -

- despite the wind and rain(!) -

- was a bit odd being in the Belfry at night, but the industrial-scale decorations looked amazing without the massive flood lights turned on -

- way over a thousand people came (including another bumping-into, namely Dawn and Darrell, who are good friends of my folks), then I croaked my way through about 10 Christmas carols intersperced around a modern rendering of the story of the birth of Christ...

- and the sound of hundreds of children running amok calling the lifts to all floors while running around screaming -

- great night though... ;)
Sat on my arse now watching TV ("Housewife, 49") and drinking Chardonnay...nite nite... ;)
It's handy having a ve-hick-el with lot's of room for the odd shoppng marathon. Bet yours aint a gas guzzler like mine. By the way, extremely jealous that you are playing Broken Sword, still haven't played the last one yet.
Not played Sleeping Dragon? That was actually a really enjoyable game, although it wasn't really a point and click adventure like the others...Angel of Death is proving to be a bit repetative, and has some very similar plot elements/puzzles to the first game (Mafia goons, trying to sneak into into Hotel rooms, sound familar?)...enjoying it so far though...
Oh and check this out (if you need a fix to keep you going) -
No, never played Sleeping Dragon, I understand it was quite different to the first two (which I loved). I'm d/ling the demo of 2.5 to give it a look. I guess we'll have to wait till the new year before we get together now, time seems to fly by.
Yeh, could be, having problems posting comments to your blog btw, it won't allow me to use my blogger account...you might have to lighten up the comment protection a bit!
Bit odd hearing George in German, too, ain't it?
I finish work at the end of this week (until the new year), so I may yet manage a visit pre-xmas... ;)
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