Had an interesting job to do today, an urgent mission to smuggle an important Swiss Scientist up to York for a critical engagement, avoiding undue attention... ;)
I recon it was because I live closest that I was chosen for the task...only takes 14 minutes to get there from Redhill...*but*, this was a secret mission, so I collected the package containing ticket, maps and instructions from the co-ordinator in London, and managed to sneak it back to my base in Redhill without any counter-operatives intercepting me (a few close calls)...
This morning a "contact" drove me to the station and I bought tickets without arousing any suspicion...after a difficult wait in the freezing waiting room on platform 2, the journey was swift, but I kept a close eye on my fellow travellers, just in case of spies...
Made it to Gatwick in time to make contact with the Scientist, but, to my dismay, she was no-where to be seen...just as I was pulling the sheet with her name from my bag, I felt a tap on my back...and after exchanging code words "Easyjet works okay, sometimes", the mission was back on...I whisked her to the Thameslink service (before anyone could follow us), then shot off in a *successful* distraction maneuver, grabbing another train to Earlswood...my walk through the fields distracted and wasted the evil operatives valuable time...heh... ;)
Wounds my heart with monotonous langour
Hahaha! ;)
OK! From now on we'll just call you Bond - James Bond. LMAO!!!
Drugs can do that to anyone my friend... Call Frank.
Hehe...no, it was all real, honestly! ;)
Why the secrecy?
Not secret really, just trying to make an errand sound a bit more exciting... ;)
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