There are literally hundreds of these things stuck in the pavements all around Kings Cross, they are about the size of an M&M, shiny brass and each one has a little serial number scrawled next to it (this one is somewhat faded)...anyone got any idea what they might be?
Google has come up a little light for me, the only clue being a Surrey county council document about defining boundaries for pavement cafes, but there really aren't that many in Kings Cross, in fact, only 3 places I can think of have any kind of outside seating...so what are they for?
Answers on an IP packet...
Metal twats.
I always wondered what they were for when I lived in KC as well!
If they were put in by Cybermen I would imagine they would be brushed aluminium colour, so while a plausible suggestion, I'm remaining skeptical...
Damn this is winding me up, Google normally answers all questions right away...my oracle has failed me! >:(
To provide some kind of trail (e.g. heritage trail)? For blind people?
My oracle told me that there was something similar in Nottingham.
Perhaps my oracle is better than yours?
In Petworth W.Sussex they have these pins hammered in the road, they have been put there so that the fair ground rides can be easily placed into the square as it is all very tight. the markers are essential so that when the ride is up and running it will not be touching the buildings. worth a visit to see all this it is on every year on the 20th November in the evening. vod queen
Hrm, well, in the space of about 30 yards on York way there are about 20 of them, past the sites of all sorts of dodgy old porn vendors (now being revamped into posh tanning salons and bistro diners)...
While I would like to think that Islington council was thoughtful and considerate to frustrated blind people, I can't imagine much porn is easily translated into braile... ;)
Why don't you just go in and ask if they have any tape p0rn for blind people?
I've come across a few reasons for theses mate. Depends if they keep going or are in segments. A trial of them could be leading to places of interest to help partially sighted people, but are more likely to be markers for licensed areas outside bars and such or just markers to denote how far private property extends on to public highway. That's all I could find so far.
I saw a surveyor today lining up on one, so that's got to be one of the reasons for them to exist, but there are just soooo many! ;)
As I am a land surveyor I can state they are definitely boundary demarcation studs. A properties boundary doesn't necessarily end with the physical wall of the property, but can easily extend into the footpath or highway. Be it by an overhanging roofline, a basement that protrudes under the pavement or simply that the property has not been built to its full extent possible on the ground.
Hurrah! Thank you anonymous surveyor! Basements, wow, never even occured to me!
These usually delineate the extent of someones property, i.e. they show where the land to the external of a building extends and where the council / local authority pavement / land starts
These delineate the extent of a property, so they show where a piece of land extends to, as the building itself might not fill all the land. Often seen in street cafes as they show where they can place their tables etc. Showing where the private land ends and the council / local authority starts.
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