...(back to last friday night, knee still very painful), finally fell asleep at 2255hrs, after reading the "River Cottage Cookbook" lamb section for about half an hour, Flyingpops had started snoring, so I just gave up and turned the bedside light off...I'd gone for the knee/pain model which had helped most on Thursday night (i.e not brilliant) - putting a cushion underneath my left leg, and laying straight, i.e dracula coffin-style but with one foot up in the air...(which hadn't worked)...
This time (because I was already awake, rather than being unkindly thrown into that state by sparks through my sleeping mind in agony and confusion) I knew why...I formed a new position to keep my painful knee quite clear of my darling bedfellow... ;)
Once sleep did come, I think I can safely say that what hit me was a quasi-lucid dream, it was absolutely clear, and I think it was the shock of it that woke me up again (well, either that or I got another whack in the leg) but it felt like something out of LOST, my mind came slowly into tune (like adjusting the tuning on a radio) from random thought into (again what felt like, and worked for my memory like) complete conciousness (which it definitely was not, as you will read)...
"Fink...Fink, come ON, are you there?" (I was like "Mmmmm, Nnnnn, wotever...tired...")
"No, come ON, this is really important, come on, wake up right now!!" ("Mmmm..Neh?")
"Listen, I'm talking to you from a different part of time, and yes, I know this sounds like madness" ("Nnnn..."...Frown..."A different part of time?", "What on earth are you on about?" blinking my eyes open...)
I then abruptly found myself standing in Priory Park (near Woodhatch in Surrey), not that I *could* have been standing *anyway* (let alone in Priory Park), thanks to my physical injury, but that didn't seem to worry my metaphysical body, nor did the fact that it seemed to be daytime either...
"Fink, it's vitally important that you listen to me. You will remember this dream for one simple reason, it isn't a dream, this is real".
(What the hell kind of a dream does that to you? Even when I did wake up I was freaked out)...
"Fink, just wait a minute" (I was suspiciously looking around the forest, trying to locate the source of the disembodied voice) "Mankind has made a major mistake in their conclusions about space/time", "Time moves as a vortex, it isn't a straight line", "This is how I am contacting you, there are holes in quantum reality which focus around certain moments, but mankind has misinterpreted them. There are moments when things seem a bit strange, as the French would say, like "Deja Vu", these moments clue us in to those channels, human-kind has ignored these signs"...
"The minute you get that feeling, then, you know, you are at the centre of a sphere that has become thrown from the vortex. The thing you need to know is that these time spheres are only small, maybe 150 yards across in space...all you have to do is find the object within that sphere that means something to you, the thing that triggered the feeling. Something, anything that ties you to that little bit of space/time, then just move it outside the sphere"...
"Why?", "What...? I don't think I understand?"...
"That's the only way you can step outside of time, move the object out of the sphere, step back in, then you are free to use it, it's no longer tied down..." then, with what felt like a bump, I was wide awake in bed...!
Can I have a nice falling dream or something next time...?
(And no, I hadn't watched the last couple of episodes of season 10 of South Park before having the dream either, which freaked me out further)!
Invasion of the Mutant Caterpillars
1 day ago
Shit - could be true
Wierd, sounds like the 4400. Be amazing if it was real. Can't wait for the next feeling of Deja Vu, I get them quite often. Any idea who it was that was calling you?
Sounded a bit like Sam Neil...funny the things your unconcious mind can conjour... >;)
I'm glad you wrote it down,the feeling of reality is very strange but not unknown.I wonder if you will get a sequel?
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