(It's similar to Gulag Pie, if you were wondering)
Well, perhaps a little cruel to post this picture, but it made me chortle when I saw it, I suppose I should offer them the fact that people in the catering industry really should be employed on the basis of their ability to prepare food, rather than their ability to read and write in the English language, but I'm afraid a certain someone made me rather sour on that point the other day...
Update - Sorry, just had to bang on about this, just how does one muck up spelling "Cottage" when one can perfectly manage "Ratatouille"...?? Confused...
Yeah, amusing :-)
Still, we've seen the photos of where you "work" and all I can say is that you're lucky you're not on the porridge diet mate!
Heh, yeh, getting a bit tired of Gulag pie now, it being so long after the end of the Vietnam conflict...one day I will see freedom and an end to the muddy catfish diet... ;)
I've had Cottag Pie, it was made with bee minc
Hahaha! ;)
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