Well, starting to get my shit together for my impending trip to New York (setting off on the 9th of Feb), only two mishaps so far, namely both my cash advance form and my Virgin eTicket arriving with my name spelled wrongly (issued by different people)... >;(
Hopefully this can be sorted out in time as both these items are rather important to the trip... ;)
Anyway, I'm staying downtown slap bang in the middle of Soho and Little Italy at the Holiday Inn, it's only about a 5 minute walk from the office, and I haven't seen much of downtown, so it'll be a nice change...
I've been looking for interesting places to eat and found a few in the vicinity that look like they are worth trying, first up is Mudville 9, found using Google Maps, who offer the irresistable (and potentially fatal) sounding "Wing Ding", which basically amounts to two hours of infinite beer/chicken wings/fries for $18 (per person), so with current exchange rates about £9(!!)...next up is the famous "Katz Deli" (most notably of "When Harry met Sally" fame, but it's been in lots of movies), for most likely hot dogs or the american version of Hot Salt beef (called Corned beef, oddly, it's nothing like we get out of a tin from Tesco though)...oh and of course I'll most likely go back to Lombardi's (been making pizza in that building in New York city for 100 years!), with it's coal powered oven...mmmm...
I need a rib joint (perhaps back to Blue Smoke?) but that's about as far as I have got with my pre-planning, anyone got any other suggestions?
Update - "M" from the office has suggested one of the last remaining original 70's diners, part of "Forgotten New York" (not far from our office out there) The charmingly named "Moondance Diner" - so retro it doesn't even have a website...! <:0
Hi Fink, I'm back!
Thank you so much for your kind wishes on my comment box.
I can only say it's been a right nightmare, but you guys have all been so great and it meant so much to know that people do care :-)
So you're off to the BIG APPLE, WOW,
you'll have a great time, New York is an amazing city!! Have fun and take care!!!
Welcome back Ginco!
Woo cool! Will you still be there on the 12th?
I'm there until the 16th, don't tell me that's when you are going to be there? That would be too weird! ;)
Lol! See you there! ;P We're gonna be there from the 12th-15th
You guys go to great lengths to meet up ... ;-)
I have a suggestion for you: don't behave suspiciously at customs and immigration.
Oh I hate US immigration, talk about zero sense of humour... >;P
Dude! Use a credit card! Come on, last chance!
Although, of all the times to go to NYC, I would have to say this is one of the worst, it's just so f*cking cold!!!
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