Cold, windy and rainy today, as a result of one or more of these things a tree at Coulsdon South decided to fall over and block the line, I opted to stay on the London Bridge train rather than risk the Thameslink when it got to Redhill (where it sat for ages)...The slightly earlier London Bridge train was opposite (on platform one), also waiting (completely full as usual), until everyone suddenly got off it, rushed across (through the rain) and came and all tried to get on to our train (which was already more than full)...we got an announcement, after a ticket check (the cheek!) that men with chainsaws were now working on the problem and shortly thereafter made a start on the crawl into town. By the time we were at East Croydon I had two people almost sitting in my lap, and other commuters were straddling the doors between the carriages...when I did get to London Bridge I just missed the bus (*again*!), and when the next one finally turned up, I had (what I thought was) the right money waiting in my pocket, but the bus driver informed me rather bluntly (doing a perfect Mr Eko impression) that the fare was now "Two Quid", forcing me to hold up the queue (all standing in the rain) while I fumbled in my bag for the extra 50p...that's one hell of a price increase...Got to try and remember to put some cash on my Oyster card, it's double the price now if you forget!! :(
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