Goodness knows why, but all of a sudden last week the Thameslink train that leaves at 0814 from Redhill station (still haven't gotten around to putting some credit on my Oyster card) has started coming to a halt at a different place on the platform (significantly earlier), thereby making all the poor commuters standing further up (including yours truly) run down the platform to leap onto the front carriage before the doors shut...this has really thrown me, I had a nice routine, standing in exactly the right place so the door stops right in front of me, usually getting my favorite seat and neatly disembarking right at the foot of the stairs at Kings Cross Thameslink (thereby beating the crush)... :(
Would have been nice if there had been some sort of notification, or explaination for this new behaviour...even today, loads of people were *still* clinging to the hope (I gave up on Friday) that a normal service would be resumed, but yet again it pulled up short and the panicked stampede recurred...so now I have to work out all over again where the best place is to position myself on the platform, well, either that or get my act together, put some cash on my Oyster card and go back to using the bus to get to Islington from London Bridge...
Anyway, moaning aside, the weekend went really well, Ratty turned up as planned on Saturday (he is staying in the spare room for a week to rediscover what it's like to be in a country with electricity and running water) and I cooked a massive family dinner (10 plates) on Sunday to celebrate Flyingpops' birthday with her folks, brothers and sisters and associated partners/kids, I did roast silverside of beef (3kg!), Priory farm nut roast and organic chicken drumsticks, about 100 roast potatoes (had to do them in two batches!), a massive cauliflower cheese (au gratin of 2 whole cauliflowers), masses of carrots, brocolli, green beans, cabbage, peas, mashed swede...the works...followed by raspberry jelly and cream (courtesy of Flyingpops' mum), the whole lot took about 4 and a half hours to prepare and cook, well worth it though...only problem is I feel like I need a day off now to relax... ;)
all the hard work was much appreciated, we enjoyed the meal very much and next time I will do the cooking.....
sounds like you could have benefitted from a hostess trolley... there was one yesterday on freecycle.org................
Well, happy birthday anyway! Looked like a good do
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