30 June, 2005
29 June, 2005
Well, it seems there is no end...
Sorry it is super blurry, but there you go...probably shouldn't pan using a phone camera... ;)
Well, the weather turned...
28 June, 2005
Just got an interesting...
For the first time today...
(can "blog" be a verb? Ah, Answers.com says yes...thank you...)
*Ahem*, anyway..."What on earth am I going to blog about today?"...
There were a multitude of things in my head that I could talk about, for example - Flyingpops and I have been getting out on the bikes a lot lately (found some *awesome* downhill routes along the Surrey Cycleway btw.), my foot still ain't quite right, we have large flowering courgettes on the courgette plant (okay, where else would they be? Shame I don't really like courgettes, but I know someone who will wolf them down ;)...Squiz came and stayed the night on Saturday (we BBQ'd *again*, no bad thing though in my opinion ;) ...etc., etc., etc. (or as the Victorians would have it "&tc." which I think I prefer actually)...
Unfortunately, something else came to light while grazing my feeds (ooo, I like that! Wonder if anyone else has thought of that way of describing the activity - update - just checked Google, nope, I'm the first!) this morning more worthy of comment...
The BBC is reporting that in the United States of America, the Supreme Court has ruled that (and I quote) "(We) hold that one who distributes a device with the object of promoting its use to infringe copyright ... is liable for the resulting acts of infringement by third parties."...
This has broad implications...not least - every company or person that makes any code that can be used to swap copyrighted material can now be sued by the injured parties. Taking this at it's least extreme - Grokster, Morpheus, Streamcast et al, are now going to be sued to death (that's it). It's most extreme? You *can* use Google to search for illegal material quite easily, and I pity the guy that wrote Bittorrent...everyone is going to have to be very careful about what they say, and carefully check what they *have* said in public in the past...
Imagine if this had happened with the video recorder...how quickly would they have stopped making them? Would they have been so widely adopted? "Hey, you can record movies off TV!" from the mouth of the wrong company exec would have been enough for a barrage of law suits...I think the VCD player would have been the product of choice for many electronics firms from there on in...(and the winner? The Yakuza/Mafia/
One thing is for sure though, for the short term, this ruling is going to do is make a lot of lawyers a lot of money and push the scene further underground...
27 June, 2005
Saw a guy last week...
Odd behaviour I thought, perhaps the poor fellow has got low battery? But then, I reasoned, wouldn't the glancing/tapping behaviour be the other way around, and the handset on the landline be off the hook? Clearly he was transcribing something onto his mobile...
Anyway, late for my train I hurried past and gave it no more thought until a couple of days later...same behavior, different guy...gent in a suit this time...
Investigation revealed a possible solution, but why, when standing at a convenient and totally anonymous means of communicating with these people would you opt to use the easily trackable and well recorded mode you carry around in your pocket, exhibiting obviously suspicious behavior? *shrug*
Another thing, if the activity is illegal, which I believe it is, why don't the police take a look at the cards, ring the number, arrange a meeting (if only to get the address) and go round and arrest them? Admitedly, it could be that the card advertising "Juicy, Fruity Melons" means just that, but if I were in the vice squad I know where I would hang out... ;)
25 June, 2005
Oh dear, poor old...
24 June, 2005
In honour of Wimbledon...
...this variety is a tiny alpine strain, very small, sweet fruit...only one ever seems to ripen at any one time though, oddly...
23 June, 2005
Oo-er...shock! Tim has gone out...
- England hasn't had a good player in (my) living memory
- Murray is only 18, and *brand* new to grass play
- He is *thrashing* the number 13 seed (without sweating, swearing or breaking things)
- (and it's hot)
Something interesting from...
Anyway, Ubisoft are launching *another* remake of Bomberman (play a shoddy version of the original there ;) and *apparently*, if you go here (from tomorrow onwards, until the end of the campaign), you can get hold of a pack of free, personalised business cards to give out to your friends (that are also a five quid off voucher for the game!)...
It's viral marketing at it's sneaky best... ;)
Bet you have to register for spam too...(use your old Hotmail account)... :)
Flyingpops tells me that the....
For those that aren't familiar with it, in essence it consists of a large number of air cooled Volkswagen enthusiasts descending on Santa Pod Raceway (near Bedford) for 3 days to watch apparently aged vehicles race each other at frankly astonishing speeds down the drag racing strip (whilst drinking beer (the spectators rather than the drivers (in most cases))). In the evening they have a dance tent and a couple of live music stages (festival style), this year we have a David Bowie tribute band and a Queen tribute band plus the usual 70's carwash disco (that seems to never be too far from the VW crowd). The last couple of years we have had an amazing guy called "Killa Kella" who is a one man band (in the beatbox sense) on the main stage, I just can't begin to describe how skillful the guy is, he can mimick pretty much any instrument (not just percussion instruments) and put them together into complete tunes with nothing more than a microphone and speakers, he'll be missed I think, but the tribute bands are a welcome addition...(I'm bored of the carwash (it was fine the first 3 times) and the dance tent doesn't do much for me)...
There is also a large fun fair and a load of shopping opportunities (mostly auto-jumble, VW parts, VW merchandise, clothes and shoes)...a VW sale field (for people looking for new projects) and a "show and shine" (for those that have just finished one) and the really very dubious "Mr" and "Miss" Bug Jam competitions, which in the "Mr" is basically who is the biggest prat, and the "Mrs" is who flashes the most flesh at the baying crowd (mentality stuck in the 70s also I think)...
22 June, 2005
Just noticed this picture that...
- A fitting end for the "Crazy Frog", although from the looks of things he needs to be dropped a few more times or the "until you are dead" bit of the "hung by the neck" sentence will not have been quite *properly* carried out ...at the moment he looks merely inconvenienced (in posession, as he is, with the ability to levitate on a pretend motorbike)... ;)
In super early again...
And what is going on? It's Wimbledon fortnight and it isn't pissing down with rain??
(Sorry for the bad framing, but the train was moving!)
21 June, 2005
The canteen was a dead...
The place we chose to munch was called "Indian Veg", funnily enough a vegan resturant, not really my normal kind of thing at all...but the price was right to risk the experiment (£2.95 for **ALL YOU CAN EAT**!!!) -
- and it was actually rather good, there were 3 kinds of rice (standard pilau, brown and some sort of pearl kind) and 5 curries on offer (including a really watery, yellow dhall, something really lime flavoured and most notably a fairly hot potato and pea one in a thick tomato gravy) next to the hot plates there were 4 salads, various fried goodies and mini chapaties. Take a selection of the above (for "selection" read "heap of everything on offer") topped off with a mint raitha and a nice firey mango sauce and you get this -
- which was, not *special* like a fine chicken Dhansak, but certainly very nice (I think I just can't get used to curry without chicken after all these years seeking perfection), and was equally certainly worth the money (I filled, and almost cleared 2 plates, so it must have been fairly good)...on the right day, I might even think about a return trip... ;)
It does rather beg the question though, exactly what was the person doing in a dark alley at 2am in the morning to fall victim to the crime...? It's certainly not the kind of thing you would catch me doing in Kings Cross...
It's the Summer Soltice...
20 June, 2005
Interesting shops of Kings Cross #5
- which, until I "googled it" was rather an enigma (revealing the weekly calendar of rubber fetish nights etc. which one doesn't normally find among the guest bands and lager promotions)...there was *obviously* something a *bit* sus about it, interestingly my initial impression was that it was the hang out of a dangerous gang of crack dealers, but it somewhat dissapointingly turns out it is rather a normal gay bar most of the time. I'm a bit suprised that the owners have decided to dress it up like a fortress, it makes me wonder if this is just a hang-over from less tolerant times? You wouldn't see this sort of nonsense in Amsterdam, a great big pink Neon "GAY" sign would be more likely...anyway, if I had kept my eyes open a little longer before curiosity and the internet took over, just recently there were abundant clues for the observant of the activities conducted within -
Really muggy today...
I think I can honestly say I was the only person that actually heard the difference (miasmic-atmosphere to blame, perhaps) and hurried the length of the platform to just past the 4 car stop sign, and lucky I did, I got the last seat (right in the back corner, between an overwieght woman, a man using a laptop and a bloke soundly asleep) which was *rather* close...everyone else stood and as you can imagine, with half the normal amount of coaches, we were packed like sardines in a sweatshop by the time we hit East Croydon...nice... :(
19 June, 2005
What a load of crap...
I am furious...everyone seems to have half a point with their justifications, but *NONE* of them amount to this result...I wouldn't be suprised if the US is out of the listing next year, great work everyone...and safety? I'm seeing stewards running out onto the track to retrieve beer cans! That's not exactly safe, is it??!
I think I will now have to write this year off, points-wise at least...from what I am hearing, if it finishes the way it is looking this will propel MS (unfairly) into 3rd place in the drivers championship, what a shame...
This race needs to be cancelled...
What is going on with F1...
It was 27 degrees centigrade...
Update - We did hit 30 in Redhill...the start of summer proper, must get the big fan out of the loft...
18 June, 2005
Good news!
Oh, I'm also going to practice what I preach now and get the image absolutely perfect, and then Ghost it (drive cloning tool), so if this happens again it won't take half a day to rebuild, it'll only take 15 minutes to get back to a fully working system...
17 June, 2005
Some new visitors...
- they came first of all with mum and dad, and accompanied by a few brothers/sisters, but, as I discovered, these two are absolutely fearless (stupidly, when one considers the number of cats that live in the environ) letting me walk *right* up and take the picture within a foot of where they were stuffing their beaks with fat ball and seed...I don't expect them to last very long exhibiting that kind of behaviour...!
Oh, this might be my last post now until Monday, unless I manage to get the Internet PC up and running again over the weekend, the delivery of the new hard disk has failed to arrive three times now, so collection at the depot tonight is in order, then just need to bodge some sort of XP install onto it, and the weekend is looking pretty busy (*another* BBQ, Grand Prix of America and visiting Tiny Alexandar all booked in), so that *may* not be possible...we shall see! Enjoy the nice weather (if you are in the UK), we are forcast the same temperatures as Florida for Saturday and Sunday...woo hoo! :)
Can't believe I'm in the office...
There is always something...
- after their failure to convince everyone not to vote Labour... ;) If you check out their website you may note that it looks like they are holding a "Nude Shopping night" sometime in July (actual date TBC) in partnership with these guys (not sure if it is SFW btw, so don't click if in doubt)...what an amusing place Kings Cross is to work... :)
16 June, 2005
Did a bit more...
- have since had 2 neighbours comment on how nice the garden looks, and how much they are enjoying watching it grow...very satisfying indeed... ;)
15 June, 2005
The bulldozers have arrived...
Tesco Home Delivery...
14 June, 2005
Very interesting bit of...
13 June, 2005
What a morning... :(
You might notice also that there haven't been any blog entries for a while, this is in some small part down to the fact that we have had a hard disk failure on the main internet PC (my games machine hasn't been able to get on the internet since christmas, and is in dire need of a re-build, and I still don't know how much moblogging from my C500 cost me at Laughton, hence no posts), however, thankfully the vast majority of the data on the Internet PC has been backed up onto DVD-Rs, or CD-Rs at one time or another, so I don't think too much has been lost (which is a bit of a relief)...I have requested a data recovery quote from these guys though, as it would be nice to rescue some of the early shots of AJ we took...
Anyway, 300 emails to get through and a tattered "To-Do" list to refresh await me, so I must get on...I hate being away from work, everything just seems to go to pot...!
07 June, 2005
Internet has been up and down...
Night night... ;)
06 June, 2005
Well, I gave up and...
So, usual Hospital experience (which almost doesn't need repeating to those of us who have used the NHS) after lots of form filling and lots of waiting, a lot of questions (and "Oo, that looks nasty!" comments), more waiting, prodding and poking (until you say "Ouch!"), some extra waiting, more questions, confirmation of previously made statements, 2 X-Rays (one of which involved rather painful contortions (and not on the part of the Radiologist, I might add) (oh and annoyingly during the very short walk I was easily outpaced by the tiny nurse leading the way), analysis (very long examination of said X-Rays, making me suspect that they were rather expecting to see a fracture, but none was forthcoming) and further waiting - The final diagnosis of my condition was "Severe bruising", estimated time to repair - 1 week - method of repair - a combination of strong painkillers, keeping the limb raised to waist height while remaining seated, and application of cold things in order to help with the swelling... :(
Still, at least it isn't broken I guess...!
05 June, 2005
- filled with loads and loads of tents, folding caravans and even tents that are so big that they come in a trailer like the one below (one day perhaps!) -
- now in my opinion, this really is the only place to come if you are in the market for some outdoor living...there is nothing like actually seeing them all pitched and being able to climb in and out and unzip bits and lay down to see if sleeping areas are sufficiently large for certain tall people etc., however -
- with the BBQ season approaching, and a certain storm from Laughton in mind, the object of attention on this visit was actually a gazebo. The one pictured above was the final selection. The poles and canvas are integrated and the whole thing takes shape with a couple of simple twists - from bag to the state you see it in above within about 5 minutes - which is *just* what you want, especially if it's windy! Anyway, the visit finished with a tour around the several large marquees containing camping goodies, where purchases included a couple of new camping chairs (I even got an "XL" model, which is new on the market, and super comfortable!) plus some new tent pegs, a 3 LED torch and a few other essentials -
- all very well, you might think...the *problem*, came in the evening - having spent at least an hour walking round the field and even whacking my poorly foot on a stupid tent peg (ouchouchouch!) by the time I got back for dinner (guests - Mum, Dad, Kipperfrog and NinjaBathy, constituents - curry/beer/wine/and at least *some* of a movie) my foot was totally inflamed again and super painful...
So today, I got up, I had a bath, I came downstairs and sat at my PC and I haven't moved since (apart from to grab Advil from the cupboard and water from the drinks fridge)...and, fingers crossed, it's feeling a bit better again now...
I think I am going to risk the commute tomorrow...just hope no-one treads on it when the train gets full or there might be a "scene"... ;)
04 June, 2005
03 June, 2005
Oh, and this isn't funny either...
Now I have a second reason not to wish to leave the house, but in this instance I can assure you that there will be no photography involved (in the interests of common decency)....
So, overall this is not turning out to be a good day...I can't blame the stairs, being inanimate, and I can't blame Pete, who clearly marks each of his products with the disclaimer "If you play with me, you play with fire" (and I have certainly now developed a healthy respect for his W@r3Z...woof woof!), so I guess I am just stuck with sulking and the occasional pout...bah! >;P
*eyes watering*
I really thought I had broken it, it was that painful, but I can *just* about wiggle my big toe, and it's feeling a bit better this morning...can't get my shoe on though without considerable pain, so I'm working from home today...(thankfully this is possible)...
On a serious high note though, last night I *also* had a cuddle with tiny baby Alexander, who is sooooo small, the pictures the others took just didn't illustrate exactly how wee the bairn is, it was still doped up from the epidural I guess, so was very sleepy and quiet and mum and dad seem to be doing just fine...made me feel very happy indeed...if I try I can still picture him laying there in my arms, in my minds eye... :)
Update - pic -
02 June, 2005
01 June, 2005
And it is named...
I have a(n unnamed) nephew!
I left the office really early (got lots more to do tonight, but that can wait for now), and thankfully arrived *just* in time to join my folks and see "Mr S" emerge from the operating theatre with a great big smile on his face...! :) :) :)
Oh my goodness...!
Oo-er!! I hope everything goes okay...it's going to be a ceasarean delivery, so everything should be pretty much routine I guess...can't help worrying though...it's going to be a long day today, might try and get out a bit early just to make sure I am in the vicinity if needs be...not that there is a lot I can do (I suppose), but it would make me feel a bit better to be 5 minutes away instead of 2 hours away!
Oh and a I have a bit of a confession to make...
...for the last 2 months I have been traveling with a ticket that is not valid for my journey...(there, I have said it!)
Each day (since I discovered my crime), I have had to run the gauntlet of the luggage barrier, casually waving my illegal ticket at the guards hoping that they are so hypnotised by the monotony of their occupation that they wouldn't notice...it worked, every day except one very recent one, where I had to buy a £1.70 extension (thus alerting me to my crime)...Now, the reasons for this, you ask?
- Moving to Redhill - The initial ticket issued to me when I asked for a monthly return to Kings Cross was £50 more expensive and encompassed the London underground (which I no longer use after moving)
- Both the Redhill ticket staff and a guard at Kings Cross told me that a ticket just to "London Terminals" would be fine, but it refused to work in the barrier (which was admittedly confusing), however this coincided with the introduction of the new computerised ticket machines and there were lots of barrier problems *anyway*
I don't feel the least bit guilty about my crimes though, as today, when the irregularity was queried, it transpired that the actual ticket that I needed to get to Kings Cross (and check this out for skewed logic!!) is actually *cheaper* still than the one that expires 2 stops earlier, and not by an inconsiderable amount - £8.35!!
I surrender... (but not before cheekily asking for a refund (a comment which was ignored btw))! ;)