**Totally** whacked my foot as I was running up the stairs last night...caught my big toe and a couple of the other ones on the lip of a stair at speed and went down hard, absolute agony...my whole right foot is now totally swolen up (bit better than it looked last night, I took a pic (is that a sign of obsession or what? ;) but Flickr is "having a massage" at the moment so I can't post it)...
I really thought I had broken it, it was that painful, but I can *just* about wiggle my big toe, and it's feeling a bit better this morning...can't get my shoe on though without considerable pain, so I'm working from home today...(thankfully this is possible)...
On a serious high note though, last night I *also* had a cuddle with tiny baby Alexander, who is sooooo small, the pictures the others took just didn't illustrate exactly how wee the bairn is, it was still doped up from the epidural I guess, so was very sleepy and quiet and mum and dad seem to be doing just fine...made me feel very happy indeed...if I try I can still picture him laying there in my arms, in my minds eye... :)
Update - pic -
Caverns Of Larn
3 days ago
Nice... just what I want to see on a Friday morning. Cheers Fink!
Well, at least you don't have it hanging off the end of your leg! ;)
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