This is just a *complete* dream come true...(well, actually that should probably read "nightmare come true" thanks to the subject matter involved)..."Hobbit" director Guillermo del Toro (of "Pans Labyrinth" fame) has finally managed to get financing to film his movie based on Lovecraft's classic story "At the Mountains of Madness", he was originally trying to get it all moving back in 2006...I had feared it would never happen as at the time he was quoted as saying "The studio is very nervous about the cost and it not having a love story or a happy ending, but it's impossible to do either in the Lovecraft universe", which at the time filled me with equal amounts of respect (for his integrity), joy (that someone actually talented was going to try and faithfully tackle a Lovecraft tale on the silver screen) and total dispair (that as a result of trying to be true to the piece it probably wasn't ever going to see the light of a projector bulb)...
I now await this movie with fevered anticipation (and an appropriate amount of twitching)...
Deep Hollywood voice - "Millenia after the Eldar abandoned their hidden cyclopean city in the frozen wastes of Antartica, their alien shuggoth slaves live on...hulking in the dark...and they are pretty tired of the taste of penguins"...(although on reflection the studio will probably come up with a slightly better tag line... ;)
Defender II
2 days ago
Guillermo del Toro is a great director. I adore his films. Sounds like the Lovecraft one could be good :)
Oh he is so dedicated to this story...actually it's shocking, in his recent interviews for the Hobbit movie/s he seems to be constantly going on about it! Really hope you enjoy it Ys...perhaps grab the short story to see what it's all about?
I really hope to it, I've been waiting to see a Lovecraft movie ever senese I've heard of Cthulhu, take your time and don't give up :)
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