There is a buzz in the scene saying that multiple, repeatable crashes are occuring on some newly shipped Xbox 360 units, various different games, various different errors (mostly faulty hard disks or rapid overheating causing the unit to shut down), see screen shots and rants here...not good news for Microsoft! Their tech support have been quoted in the forums as saying that the problems are fairly common and, as such, punters (in the US at least) with faulty units are facing a wait of between 6-8 *weeks* for a replacement! There are going to be some very dissapointed boys and girls on Christmas day... :(
Think I'll wait until they have the problems ironed out before dipping into my sky rocket....price might come down a bit too.... ;)
Invasion of the Mutant Caterpillars
1 day ago
Is anyone really surprised by this? Do you remember the bizarre, disc burning antics of the early PS2s ? New consoles always have these hang ups!
Well, most consoles I have bought (bar the silly original PS1 with it's "Fbias" tweaking nonsense/standing the unit on it's side to re-balance the reading lense to prevent skipping)...have worked flawlessly from day one...I would be furious had I paid out £xxx for a box that doesn't even stay powered up for more than 30 minutes...still, it's probably the race for installed units to blame, rather high priority for M$ right now while the PS3/Revolution hover in nowheresville...get boxes in houses whether they work properly or not...
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