Well, Tony's Hemp Corner (yes, finally found his home page! Although the homepage appears to be all that is left of it!), has undergone another rebranding exercise, this time into the extremely low key "Organic Health Foods - Organic Cafe", but if you look *very* carefully at this picture you can pick out at least one tell-tale sign that all is not quite as it seems... ;) (rainbow hemp leaf stained glass affair in one of the upstairs windows)...
I wonder if he got done by the police finally?
Anyway, the weekend was good, managed to complete about 70% of the Christmas present shopping (the rest we have either already done or can easily do on the interweb) on Saturday, it's good to go and do it at this time of the year as the shops still have all the gifts in to look through (apart from Woolworths which was in absolute chaos) go much later and it's all empty shelves and damaged packaging...Nipped into Asda and Tesco in Crawley too as they are running some sweet beer deals at the moment (2 cases for £16 in Asda) to stock up on Christmas booze (wine and port also cheap)...put the house back together after the double glazing installation and then had Flyingpops dad over on Sunday morning to fix up some electrics around the place - fitting a fused switch for the outside lights in the living room (which involved drilling a hole through the wall with a rather large drill and much shenanigans with a wire coat hanger), fixing the outside light at the front of the house and installing a timer (so it comes on at sunset) and swapping over the pull chord mechanism in the bathroom...feels like everyone is having holidays at the moment too, my folks have just flown back from Germany (Christmas markets and meals in micro-breweries), Flyingpops folks are zooming off to Lanzarote today for a week in the sun (cooked them dinner last night to make life a little easier for them, and in thanks for the work around the house) and the US having Thanksgiving late last week...(how envious?) so I'm really looking forward to my break, last working day of the year is the 16th of December...bring it on... ;)
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