26 August, 2005

Buffalo Wings...

...for supper last night, pretty standard affair really, Mr Tesco does a roughly similar 3 for (ARGH!! No pound sign on my keyboard!!!) five english pounds (it's okay, I can cope!)...it did come with a nice chunky blue cheese dip and some celery (which is always a favorite of mine, for some peculiar reason)...

Went up to my room really early as I had to get packed up ready to check out this morning (wasn't that much of a trial), turned on the TV to see what was on, I had watched a bit of the James Bond movie "Octopussy" a few nights ago (interesting parallels with "State of Fear" btw!), part of a "James Bond" season, and guess what, it was *STILL* "Octopussy" showing on that channel, just a different bit of it...lame, so I flicked around a bit and was interested to find the American version of "Big Brother" on, and it was eviction night...! My curiostiy got the better of me, but what can I say...I was stunned...

  • They are in there in couples!
  • They are all mortifyingly polite to one another (I honestly believe they could all have walked out hand in hand and lived happily ever after)
  • Everyone is a well groomed, at least averagely-well educated, middle-class American
  • There was zero public conflict in evidence
  • Tasks weren't silly and were greeted with polite interest by the housemates
  • Eviction is always done by internal vote and internal vote alone
  • There are *NO* baying crowds, no hoards of ravening stalkers screaming death threats at eviction night
  • All the lovely housemates leave tearful video messages of sorrow for the evicted party so they don't feel so bad after all (perhaps so they can't sue for therapy bills)...
  • Everything is filmed in soft focus and there are kittens and flowers, and little puppies (okay, not really...but almost!)

So if you thought BB UK was appalling, heh, you ain't seen nothin'...It was all I could do to stop myself puking down the toilet...


Anonymous said...

hmm, I didn't know buffalos had wings ;)

Unknown said...

Yeah, they are just really, really small though, barely notice 'em... ;)