24 February, 2009

Ghost Blogging

Ghost writing, it seems, has extended away from it's traditional home - the (insert derogatory word here) celebrity who can't write, but feels that they deserve money from newspaper/book sales regardless - to the busy, stressed President/CEO (who is expected to blog by the shareholders), the lazy professional consultant (who is expected to blog insightful things by clients) even authors (who are told to do so by their publisher's marketing department, but are busy writing their next novel)...and there is an answer!

Believe it or not, you can now pay for a ghost-blogger to write your posts for you, even to the point of doing deep research (so they can speak with the appropriate level of authority) into your field of "expertise", then crafting five*350-575 word pieces per week to engage your loyal readers, the "Gold" service even comes with a promise of complete confidentiality, so the fools following you will never even begin to guess...

Talk about a social minefield though, imagine turning up to a conference and a colleague approaches you with the line "I loved your piece this morning", and you haven't quite gotten around to reading it...could be awkward...

Anyway, no doubt about it, this is going to save me quite a lot of time...JUST KIDDING! ;)


boohoo said...

Authors getting someone else to write their blogs for them? Isn't the whole point of being a writer that you enjoy writing? Crazy.

Unknown said...

Utterly insane, at all levels, unless you really can't write for toffee...however, the annoying thing is, this is going to be bread and butter for some poor (down on their luck) Writer! <:S