21 November, 2007

Benebene review

BeneBene sub
Mmmm - have I found a nice place to get lunch - "Benebene" (although the logo on the actual shop makes it look a bit more like "Bonobono" with it's Dreamcast-style swirl), it's really just a sort of "Pret" clone but my *goodness* the treats on offer...at the moment I'm cycling between chilli topside of beef (satisfyingly sweet and suprisingly spicy) and "Roast Chicken Breast with BBQ sauce, Jalapeno peppers and salad"...absolutely excellent, and each sub is only £2.50! Bargain! ;)


Anonymous said...

Hmm- £2.50 per day = £12.50 a week
4 weeks till xmas - so if you made sandwiches every day at home, I would get an even BIGGER present!

Unknown said...

Bah...cheese and pickle from home today! ;)