...what with the hot weather we've spotted a couple of little visitors in the kitchen...(typically) I had to wait 20 minutes to actually shoot one! I'm sure it's just scouts, but it means we can't really risk putting anything on the worktop (which is a pain)...

...I almost feel sorry for them, but the trap is laid...(I just can't have ants all over my smoothie ingredients, despite the potential extra source of protein)... ;) This stuff is irresistible to the tiny creatures, but it doesn't kill them right away, the idea is, they take it back to base and it sets off a chain reaction fungus that destroys the entire nest in 1-3 weeks...I'll let you know how it goes, but for now, we have to put up with them...you can see this fellow here tucking into a bit of the fluid that spilt when I opened up the trap...it's already started...
And the under-humans are immune to this fungus?
As long as they don't keep ants as pets... ;)
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