What a day, official observations only seemed to come in at about 26 degrees (nearest MET office point to my place of work was Heathrow) but what with the urban-heat-island-thingy it felt about a thousand degrees...this really hit home walking down to the Thameslink (past this rather interesting animal-bedecked tandem I spotted in Balfe Street) after work...it was (or was extremely close to, I speculate...) bin men day...the sickly-sweet stench of super heated rotting flesh/vegetable matter from the terrible heaps of (foolishly) black bags was almost unbearable...the woman walking in front of me even had a (super-cliched) English cotton hanky held in front of her upturned nose as I overtook, in my unashamed hurry to get out of this fearful Rue...
Bah...as if we haven't had enough of smelly smells in the office lately... :(
Duck me.
Hehe... ;) Takes all sorts... :)
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