Was unlucky enough to get the Puccino's coffee bar carriage yesterday morning (sorry about the dodgy shot, took it using the phone) on the Thameslink train into work...I suppose it probably did operate once (someone's expensive dream franchise), but never in my experience, now it's just a collosal waste of space...the heart shaped twin seats are just awful, they practically force you to touch knees with the person next to you, fine if you *know* them, but during the commute? Bah...fingers crossed for today!
Oh, and the official Lost podcast is awesome! Keep an eye out for "a cross" (a significant one apparently) during the Sawyer flashback in the next episode "The Long Con"...they also confessed that they intended the sign on the Battersea Power station to be just a little larger than it turned out to be in the final cut...it should have read "Widmore construction"...but why is that significant? We'll have to wait and see... ;)
Hmm looks good ! ;)
Interesting ep of lost don't read on if you haven't seen it yet.
I reckon Locke has played. Sawyer. The conned has played the con-man. Just where in the long run will Swayers actions get him? It will bring him into conflict with Jack, and in a classic piece of divide and rule leave Locke to his own devices. If you don't believe me watch the ep carefully. Sawyer is a great con-man but his emotions almost get the better of him as the ep shows. Locke exploits this with his rivalry with Jack. If this is not the case events in the episode don't really make sense are implausible. Do you think Charlie could stalk Locke properly? Isn't the Sawyer victory what Locke wanted all along at the beginning of the ep, the guns directly out of Jacks hands? Telling Jack to get all the medecine was bound to irritate Sawyer. Who is playing the real long con here? Sawyer. Why does Locke keep on making a point of calling Sawyer James? I also reckon Locke set about on Charlie to push him to periphery of the party and closer to Sawyer. Sawyer can't act alone in Locke's little scheme. Unpleasant as Sawyer undoubtably is, his emotions and ambivalence show he doesn't have the psychopathic indifference to other's suffering that a master con-man has. Locke on the other hand exhibits pychopathic tendencies he seems pretty indifferent to Walt, Boone and Charlie's fates once they have no use to him.
Given this I have the suspicion that Locke might even ally with the others later if the feels their cause is just and furthers his agenda. He prob wants to find out more about them b4 letting Jack try to massacre them which incidentally seems like a hiding to nothing if you ask me! The contrast with Locke and Eko is interesting as well. The hardy but compassionate holy man and the fanatic.
All in all an interesting ep...
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