21 November, 2008

Fink's Links #40

Ice Rink is finished
Ice Rink Finished #2
Well, the ice rink is finished and we're another week closer to the festive season, can't believe we are nearly at the end November already! Anyway...on to the business at hand! Links of the week (whoever would have thought there was this much crap...(ahem)...quality entertainment on the internet!) ;)

Let's begin with an awesome Japanese alarm clock (involving guns)...

Watch a guy playing Guitar Hero (sort of) on a push bike...really amazing... ;)

A rather cheap stun gun (not sure they are strictly legal in the UK though)...what made me laugh though was it is listed as suitable for (and I quote) "entrepreneurs, taxi driver, guards and shop assistants, gas station attendants, employees of restaurants and bars, kennel attendants, women etc."... ;)

You have got to love the Americans - "Baconnaise - because everything should taste like bacon" bring it to the UK Mr Tesco, I'm there...! ;P

Star Wars (and Star Trek) origami made from American dollar bills which obviously have to be put to other purposes now they aren't terribly useful for buying things (they actually look really cool)!

A slow news day in Australia means I learn a trick to force those "left brain" "right brain" visual things to do what I want (the trick is in the comments at the bottom, won't tell you now or you won't be able to tell which side of your brain is dominant and spoil their story)...

"Solomon's real mine? 3,000 years on, archaeologists uncover fabled site in desert"

"If David Lynch owned a TV station"...

The results of the US government experiment in the 50s when they fed LSD to an artist under clinical conditions...

Incredible video demonstrating a (not exactly new, but still absolutely mind blowing) method for re-sizing images...

Next - 23 tubes, one bowl (check the picture links out at the bottom)...


A slightly scary bit of egg art....

Take a little trip to the border with North Korea...

An amazing cloud (captured by NASA over Africa)...

...and finally an excellent shopping trolley fail (wouldn't you just hate to be those guys) and a little bit of a packaging fail...

...and that's your lot! More next week of course and until then you can find previous sets by clicking this link...! Enjoy the weekend! ;)

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