Oh dear, not the sort of thing one expects to normally see on a map of the south eastern portion of the United Kingdom...the red bits on the map above are regions where the MET Office have issued "Severe Weather Warnings", this means danger to the public, in this case, in the form of flooding or dangerous road conditions...or in First Capital Connect's case, the railway, being about the only main route into London which regularly has to close due to flooding (at Moorgate, this time)...and this may shock you, they managed to close it due to flooding *this* morning, before the rain has even hit! Knocked out by the weather little Alexander managed to ignore while walking around the farm yesterday, impressive, eh?
Anyway, we will see what happens (The Express is confidently annoucing that we are due to have the wettest day in 50 years), but it's not due to hit us here in London until about 1330hrs...meaning I could be in for quite a soaking on the way home (assuming all the trains and buses are even running)!
Update - So, made it home, only one shower en route, even managed to make the direct bus, did, however, get back to find the new gazebo absolutely ruined, poles twisted out of all recognition, and Wimbledon coverage on the TV is just showing replays, so there are obviously pockets of what the rest of the country is suffering around this area!
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