Every girls dream – going to purchase their engagement and wedding ring…and worthy of a post on Fink’s blog! On Saturday morning, I was SO excited, I couldn’t sleep and was itching to get out of the front door and onto the train into London. Fink was really casual, in no rush at all and if I’m a little honest, a bit too laid back for my liking…He told me to be ready for 9.45 and asked if I could pay the bus fare…By 9.05, I was ready (no surprise to those of you that know me!) by 10.00 I was really desperate and sitting outside the front door nagging Fink to leave – that’s when he picked up his bag and casually announced – "I wonder if there will be lockers at London Zoo for the rucksack?" (at this point, I had no idea where we were going and quickly rushed upstairs to grab a hat and different top, as he fell to the floor in total dispair at the destruction of the suprise!) by 10.05 Fink announced that the taxi (the next element of the suprise) he had ordered was late and everything fell into place – his casual attitude forgiven and my first surprise of the day.
The plan was for breakfast in Redhill, but there was not much time so we went straight into London Bridge, reading on the train various articles printed off the Internet about buying a diamond ring (it is not simple, I tease you not)…. There are 5 C’s to follow and you really need to keep your head about you, rather than get swept away in getting the largest stone you can find for the cheapest price… big does not necessarily mean good quality.
We arrived in Farringdon and walked to Hatton Garden, looking for the company where an appointment had been made for 12.00. We were a little early, so casually browsed in the jewelers windows and smiled smugly that we were not going to be swept away by cocky sales men. We really wanted to know exactly where our rings were coming from and take photographs of the workshop. There were two options open two us – a appointment with someone we had seen at a wedding fair or to visit the wedding ring workshop to see if they had any rings available for sale.
Luckily, the two workshops were 5 doors away from each other, so our task was easy… a quick step into the Wedding Ring workshop to see what they had, before getting to our appointment for 12.00.
Well, Fink has summarised how we felt at the WRW. Lovely lovely place, if you have lots of money and really want to make your own ring. The guy who came to help us was very helpful, explaining how the rings are made, how you classify the quality of the diamond and then went on to ask what I wanted…. Well, hmm – a diamond? – what else matters to a girl?!?!?.... We gave him our budget and I nearly fell off my chair when he told us the gold alone was £495. Fink went very quiet and I whispered that I thought it was out of our price range…… I don’t think the guy listened to us and the cheapest diamond on his price list was £795 – before the gold remember! Now I’m not sure about you, but I want a ring I can wear everyday and feel happy, not worrying that I’ll get mugged when walking into work! We left shortly afterwards and I have to say, said I was glad to go. there were lots of happy couples making and buying their rings, that made a lovely atmosphere, but sorry – not for us!
We then went 5 doors down to meet Brian’s colleague (can’t remember name)…. What a contrast. We made me feel special, important and explained whatever our budget was, he could work within it! I have fairly small fingers, so didn’t want anything too big, and we decided to increase our budget slightly, to ensure that we got the best diamond in terms of the 4 C’s in its class…. Very happy! I had a dilemma choosing practical over pretty and you’ll have to wait and see what we eventually decided upon. (Fink was crucial in helping me make up my mind) we picked out our wedding rings, and then spent ages looking around the workshop, photographing and learning about the ring making process…
Unfortunately, I won’t have my ring for our engagement party, But we do have a couple more stages where I can see it, before its finished. Brian is hoping to come and visit our house to show us the diamond (seeking our approval), measure our fingers and take down our requirements for the wedding ring engraving…then I have the fun of going into London for another surprise, when Fink will get down on one knee (assuming he can!) with the diamond ring and propose…Next time, he probably will make us get the bus!
Invasion of the Mutant Caterpillars
1 day ago
Ah Flyingpops how lovely to read a post from you! Brings back very happy memories from just over a year ago when Simon and I got our rings - except we cheated for mine and just copied a design from one of the rip off Hatton Garden shops and had them all made in Turkey! So much cheaper. Well done on getting it sorted, and I hope you negotiated a tiny bit? I'd be disappointed if not! x
we're both very excited and happy for you... will there be a photograph of your chosen desisn at the party? can't wait... vod queen & big alanX
Well done Fink for arranging your special day, perhaps he should have a word with his father-in-law to be as I have a special birthday this year...and diamonds are top of the birthday list...xx
Ahh - thanks for my lovely messages. Maybe I should start a blog?!?
yes you should start a blog, about the planning for the wedding next march, but don't give away to many suprises....
question is - would i have the time to update it?!!?!?
Have to say, my life is fairly eventful, so there is always something to say!!!!
Go girl, do a holy wedlog
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