Wow, bit of a shock to be back in town again today (facing three weeks worth of catching up to do) - that consisting of two weeks of paternity leave - starting with a world record breaking visit to the birthing centre (I think we were in there for all of 16 minutes before Annabelle was born - no time to finish running the water for a water birth!), then two weeks of voluntary isolation due to all three kids *immediately* getting chicken pox (Poppy first, then Annabelle, then finally Thomas - who thought he had got away with it by giving himself pretend "injections" from his little medical kit), a load of nights of Annabelle crying (while she is perfectly happy to sleep all day long - thanks Annabelle!) and then a week on my sickbed after managing to scratch my iris in three places and tear my eyeball by whacking it on the 'fridge door (no stitches required - thank GOD, but it was a close call!)...anyway, after a couple of weeks that could only really have happened to us, everyone seems to be on the mend and hopefully we can start to understand what the new "normal" is going to be as a happy family of *FIVE*! :)
Absolutely blooming beautiful. So very pleased for you, I was worried when I didn't see any posts, now I know what you were up to lol.
Bless you all.
Yeah, in and out of hospital and generally dealing with nonsense! ;)
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