26 April, 2007

435 bus into Redhill

435 to Redhill
So this morning, Flyingpops going in late again, I had to get on the bus, I set off a tiny bit early (better safe than sorry), not realising that it was raining before I stepped out without my coat and lacking an umbrella, walked (a little chilly and wet therefore) to the bus stop, where I waited (rather longer than I needed)...as I stood there, getting progressively more damp, I couldn't help but overhear the conversation that was taking place between a couple of the regulars, "Smoking lady" and "Wife of glasses bloke"...
Smoking lady - "Oh its awful"
Wife of glasses bloke - "He always keeps 'em talking at the hospital, don't he?"
Smoking lady "Right until the very second"
Wife of glasses bloke - "Yeah, he won't let them go until the very moment, always makes us late into Redhill"
Smoking lady - "And what for? Who does he think he is anyway?"
Wife of glasses bloke- "He thinks he some sort of inspector, but he's nothing!"
(Glasses bloke steps in here) - "Jobsworth, that's what we calls 'em!"
Smoking lady - "Oy, watch out, here he comes!"

I know who they are talking about, the chap that runs the enquiries office at Redhill bus station, and at this exact moment, he appears, walking around the corner into Bushfield drive, dressed as if he just stepped out of the dry cleaners (as always), and joins the queue. Slightly embarrassed innocent conversation about last night's TV takes place, oh and venom directed at the likes of me "there's always more people on the bus in the rain" (apparently) until the familiar blue and yellow livery swings into view in the distance...I get on, pay for my ticket and go and sit up at the back (getting my favorite seat, ah...)...

When we get to the hospital I peer up from my book to see what "The Inspector" is going to do. Will the ladies be right? I check on my mobile and we are indeed about 90 seconds early..."The Inspector" checks his watch and then looks up and spots that the line of cones (those that protect the racing line the bus follows from being blocked by illegal parking) have been slightly moved overnight, he considers for a second and then can't help himself but hop off the bus to run over and line them up neatly again. The seconds tick by...

The bus driver takes one look in his mirror, smiles (Wile E. Coyote-style) and puts his foot down, zooming off! I look back, just catching "The Inspector"'s open mouth as he is bending down to pick up a cone...I must admit I nearly joined the ladies in laughing out loud... ;)

To be fair though, as well as being a *confirmed* "jobsworth" (to quote glasses bloke), "The Inspector" is rather public spirited, I've seen him picking up rubbish on the estate, and he does voluntary work at the hospital from time to time - however, if you don't want to be my "post de jour" "Mr Inspector", next time I am standing in Redhill hands clasped in begging posture for the bus driver to open the door (while still at the bus stop), don't tell him to ignore me and then smile...my sympathy has boundaries... ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and don't underestimate the talking ladies! - they moaned once when we got on the bus before them (because the bus stopped exactly where we were standing!) and then sat in 'their' seat - tut tut!