25 May, 2005


"G", from the sounds of things, has been released from bondage and is now back at home! Super sweet! This releases the evening (not that it would have ever been a big deal otherwise) to curiously watch the match between AC Milan and Liverpool FC...don't normally watch too much football, but this seems to have captured *everyones* imagination...!

Update - Looks like Liverpool sucks ass...worse luck... :(

Update Update - Looks like Liverpool doesn't suck ass! Just one more goal to go! ;)

Update Update Update - Goodness me! Three ALL! (this is actually quite exciting!!)

Update Update Update Update - crap...30 more minutes...!
"Whittleman" must be going NUTS!

Final Update - against all odds, Liverpool *won* the match...I have to say, I think this was the best football match I have ever seen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Liverpool Liverpool YAY