So the whole of Wimbledon fortnight (during which I confidently predicted it was going to piss it down) manages to go by with barely a spot of rain, the very *day* after it finishes (as if with deliberate malice), we walk out the front door to a few spits and spots (pausing to pick up the one small umbrella we can find, just in case) by the time we have parked the car in Earlswood the heavens have absolutely torn themselves open (having saved up the full two weeks worth ready to dump upon us all in one go), soaking us both to the skin...even on the platform (the sound deafening as the torrent pounded the corrugated roof) the clunky guttering completely overwhelmed, directing water everywhere except down into the drains...
By the time we got to Redhill (90 seconds later), it was blue skies again...
Hehehe yep, exactly the same weather in Wales ;)
Is it surprising? This is normal to have such a weather in the British islands.
hope it improves for the cricket
If it were like this all the time then I would have been sensibly carrying a proper brolly and wearing a coat! ;)
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