- dodging suicidal joggers, cyclists (both motorised and not), ramblers (with rucksacks/walking sticks/flasks of weak lemon squash/waterproof jackets and bobble hats a-plenty, despite the clement conditions), found a nice parking space, scored a free ticket (just as I was cursing not quite having enough change for the three quid parking fee, result!) -

- it was even nice enough to have an ice cream (and it wasn't just us being brave, it had a *constant* queue all the time we were there), well I say ice cream, I actually had an orange ice lolly, but same difference -

- then we took a short walk to the viewing point -

- which was quite busy, had a wait for a good few minutes to get a clear-ish shot -

- down to towards Dorking town, then, back to the camper where we watched the 5th episode of season 1 of Prison Break (still very exciting ;) on the Shinco and then while Flyingpops had a snooze I watched a bit of "Flags of our Fathers" which is actually rather good (which I wasn't expecting based on the reviews! ;)
The rest of the day was spent with Flyingpops' family (celebrating her Grandpop's birthday and watching England win at the rugby)...back home now, just about to run my bath, really fancy a good long soak tonight... ;)
Update - bath lasted the duration of the new episodes of South Park and Lost (thank you Shinco-san)...so about an hour and a half, now that's a good soak... ;)
It looks great up there. It's precisely where I planned to go for a walk this afternoon but bluemeanie wasn't well.
Curses, yep, I can confirm it was really nice (virtually no wind to speak of), just warm enough to be able to walk comfortably, perfect conditions... ;)
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