07 May, 2010

Finks Links #94

It's Friday again already! Three cheers for Bank Holiday weeks... ;) Anyway, without further ado (enjoy) -

360 video inside a demolish(ing) sports stadium...

The case of the 500 mile email...

The terrible secret of Animal crossing...

*Very* small horses...

...(following the theme) New Born Tortoises...

Terry Pratchett says Dr Who isn't Sci Fi (and why)...

Fun with secret questions and answers...

"Like Teaching An Old Dog That Didn't Bark To Herd Cats"...

...(followed by the obligatory) Politics and the English Language...

...and finally something I *really* shouldn't find hilarious...and, well, just FAIL... ;)

Have a great weekend, more next week...!


Darfuria said...

10 more and you'll have done a full two years worth!

Unknown said...

Cripes! ;)