So Sunday, Water babies being cancelled (as there were temperature issues with both air and water -
brrr!) we went as a family to go and collectively experience a rite of passage (of sorts) -buying Thomas his first pair of proper shoes - he's been getting by with a couple of pairs of
crocs and a pair of tiny sandals up until now, but what with the increasingly cold weather and an undiminished enthusiasm for outdoor pursuits, it really was time to bite the bullet (sweetened considerably from an offer from his Nanny and Grandad to cover the costs involved - thanks!), we all got in the car drove to
Reigate (parking in

- and whizzed up to the high street where a convenient (Sunday opening) boot maker is located -

The process is actually surprisingly imprecise, after a quick measure -

- (his first pair needed to be in the 4.5 range, actually rather large, but considering Daddy wears an adult size fourteen, not
that surprising)

- all that is actually done is to try a succession of pairs (all brown) and see if he toddles around as comfortably as usual -

- and so, after a couple of tries (some more successful than others) -

- and one rescue from the stock room later, we had made our selection, and off we went to
scuff them into a complete mess in five minutes flat play in the park! Next size up due in approximately six weeks time (groan)...