Friday again! So lets sit together and enjoy just a few of the pages on the internets that tickled my fancy just recently-
Lets begin with the McDonalds Toy that became an internet sensation!
Titanium foam builds Wolverine bones...
Incredible - Dam(sic) Goats!
What would happen if you put your hand through the LHC beam?
...and following the theme, someone who actually *was* hit by a particle accelerator (albeit not as powerful as the LHC)...
Something geeky I really should have got for Thomas... ;)
Fibonacci Pigeons...
The history of scientific thought as a tube map...
...and following the theme - Middle Earth as a tube map! ;)
Scientists build sensor that works in the heart of an active volcano!
The *real* way to eat Ramen...
...and finally a Common Sense fail and a hilarious Spelling Fail...
That's it, now off outside to play...! ;)
Defender II
1 day ago
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