Yep, great advertising...snapped in rush hour at Kings Cross...shades of "The Fast Show"...(nice)... ;)
There were problems on the Thameslink today (30 minute delays!), so I came into London Bridge with Flyingpops (listened to the latest LOST podcast on my PSP - "Psalm 23" was an AMAZING episode! Nanobots? Maybe...! ;) and caught the number 17 bus to Kings Cross, but being cold and rainy (as it is today) all the windows were fogged up, so I couldn't see properly where to get off (I don't like wiping all those germs with anything I own and no newspaper was to hand) I just walked downstairs when the shadows of the buildings looked about right and fluked the right stop...
Anyway, at just about that moment, the guys on the podcast (Ryan and Jen) were talking about dreams in the show, and commenting specifially on the fact that frequently things that people dream seem to have a nasty habit of actually coming to pass...for some strange reason when they said that, the lyrics to "When you wish upon a star" from Disney's "Pinocchio" sprang into my might not know this, but some thorists are drawing strong parallels between certain parts of "Lost" and "Peter Pan", so I wondered if this perhaps was another cheeky nod to Disney...(incidentally the parent company of the production firm ;)
Hehe, I love this show...not many television programmes do that kind of thing to my brain! :)
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