...the finishing touches going to the living room (I know, I know, we've been here over a year already!)...so a few pictures of the extremely expensive, extremely heavy, lined curtains going up, along with a heavy duty white wooden curtain pole (required to support their weight)...some pictures (more on Flickr if you want to look there) -
- before (cheap metal expanding curtain pole with two Ikea "throws"...didn't do much to keep out the sunlight, and didn't do much to keep in the warm)...
...during (large mounting piece of wood, screwed into timber frame, laser levelled, holes filled and painted with the same paint we used for the living room walls)...
...and after (looks like choosing the white pole was the right decision, it blends right in!)...Oh and it was boiling in the living room when I came down this morning and the heating had only been on for ten minutes...phew!
Caverns Of Larn
3 days ago
It's curtains for you buster. Wonder where that saying came from. Judging by the thickness you could have a rave in there and no sound would get out.
I think it's the curtains that draw round the coffin before a cremation...
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