(We've almost come full circle, I remember posting about freezing fog before...and here we are again... ;)
This is today, on Redhill station, old camera, no flash and supressed shivers... :) Each time I fired the flash it wasn't too much of a shock to find a very nice picture of a million very bright particles of water vapour and not much else...(there is a flash setting on the Mavica that gets round that...bah!)...still, it didn't come out too badly considering... ;)
Anyway, there was a point to this post!
While I was standing waiting for the Victoria train to depart this morning (it's the one I hop onto with Flyingpops to get from Earlswood to Redhill where I change to catch the Thameslink to Kings Cross) when I was almost walked into by a blind fellow waving his white stick around (he becomes "blind person #2" on my commute, the regular has a very friendly, if slightly overweight labrador wagging him through his journey)...I made my apologies (for being a mobile wall not concentrating on his surroundings) and stepped out of his way and he happily carried on up the platform...I turned to wave goodbye to Flyingpops (still sat on the train) but to my horror, when I glanced back in his direction a moment or two later, he was rapidly approaching the icy ramp and was just about to topple off the end of the bloody platform onto the rails!
Luckily someone a bit nearer to him at the front of the train had spotted him shortly before me and was yelling a warning...he stopped and turned around (just in time), then felt his way slowly back up to the train and in through the door muttering thanks and sat himself down in first class...but honestly, shouldn't the station staff be a little more proactive?
But for the intervention of strangers this poor chap could have got lost, slithering around down there dodging "Danger of Death" signs, fizzing rails and the Gatwick Express (which doesn't slow down for Redhill)...! Tut...
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