Yes! Having missed the Volksworld show (thanks to a rather unavoidable appointment the day before), the VW season (this year, for us at least) starts here...! The Big Bang is this weekend, so we spent some of Saturday pulling the camper van to bits, sweeping out all the mud remaining from Bog(sic) Jam 21 last year, stacking it up with beans, soup and tea bags, charging the two batteries, checking the gas bottles, finding our Wellington boots, tarpaulins and Army surplus poncho, umbrellas and gloves. Checking the weather forecast, packing more blankets and checking the windscreen wipers are still operational...(actually the weather forecast doesn't look too bad, but it's better to be on the safe side... ;)
Anyway, this will be our first time to the Big Bang (even though they have been doing it without us for a number of years now), and the line-up seems really rather exciting - all the usual kind of stuff (of course) including VW only "Run What Ya Brung", this time (for the first time ever) it's going to be divided into classes (find the fastest Bug, Splittie, Bay, etc), a bit of pro-drag racing on the Sunday, normal show and shine, but also now "Show and Go" where you earn points both by looking amazing *and* for putting in the fastest time down the strip(!) music, fun fair, blah blah blah...
However, the stuff I'm really looking forward to are the events organised by the camper lot -
A special lowering display courtesy of Type Two Detectives (really looking forward to that)
A "Ready, Steady Cook" style competition where entrants will be presented with a bag of ingredients and told to whip up something tasty in the confines of their bus (genius!)
Awning Erection (has the capacity to be hilarious)
Driving Tests (intricate timed course)
Bus Pull (to find Big Bang's strongest person)
Smoothest Drive (with a bucket of water on roof)
- assuming it doesn't piss down with rain all weekend there's actually more to look forward to here than at Bug Jam, I recon! ;)
Just need to top up Colin's oil and buy the last few bits of grub (perishables), and cross our fingers that if we prepare for monsoon weather, it will prove us wrong by being gloriously sunny...*crosses everything else too*... ;)
Sounds absolutely BRILLIANT!!! I have always wanted a VW Camper, if I also had the money to fix it up nice and good that is! Hope you have a great time!
You can get a fairly decent one for about a grand and a half, as long as you don't mind missing out on the air cooled bit... ;) Colin is a T25, rust free (on his important bits), runs like a dream and is a lovely comfortable, warm and *quiet* place to sleep at festivals (which can be rather cold and noisy in a tent!), worth every penny! Add in the leasure battery/gas and you have cooking facilities and cold beer, plus (with the addition of a Shinco) MP3/DVD/DivX entertainment...(next stage will be to wire the Shinco to the sub and multi bass boxes under the bed for some BOOM-tastic movie action)...heh... ;)
Har Har! All set sail to the pod!
Do you think this could count as a third honeymoon? I always to things in 3!
Oh blimey, perhaps so then, yes...but this would be the *second*, Mexico is third and *final*... ;)
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