- and then it was back to the strip, where we lurked for a while behind the start line (very unfortunately, thanks to "health and safety", the shed at the end of the strip has had to be torn down, and not only torn down, torn down and replaced by a huge concrete monstrosity, so it's now impossible for any spectator to enjoy the view down the quarter mile, this is about the best view you can get) -
- and to get that view you have to creep around the back of the hog roast van and find a space between their bags of rubbish -
- what a shame...no more chances to get decent shots like this (taken at Bug Jam) -
- but in retrospect, if things *had* gone horribly wrong, I probably wasn't in the *best* place when I took that shot...anyway, we went back to enjoy the track action, even climbing into the grandstand (my first time up there I think) -
- and you do get a much better perspective -
- and yes, they really do need those wheelie bars at the back!
Anyway, we popped back to the bus for a spot of lunch, then packed everything up, had a chance encounter with a beach buggy owning mate of ours who had also attended (finding us by spotting Colin all set up), then we set course for home, getting back at about 5pm (knackered but happy)...
Great weekend, will definitely consider doing this show again, maybe in preference to Bug Jam, as (in Flyingpops' words) "it's becoming a bit of a victim of it's own success, just too busy"... ;)
Looks fantastic,glad the weather was so perfect for you.
gangsta sticker well funny!
health and safety gone mad as usual
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