Wow, this morning Thomas managed to string two words together (for the first time ever) - he said "Yay Daddy"... :)
His spoken vocabulary is now so advanced I would struggle to list all his words, but it does include (perfectly pronounced) "garden", "ball", "car", "socks", "shoes", "train", "pear", "cup", "cat"...imperfectly pronounced (but impressive) "icken" (chicken - the roast variety), "tiangle" (triangle), "taktor" (tractor), "mato" (tomato), "nana" (banana), "nannan" (Nanna), "dink" (drink), "ook" (book)...and the list goes on...the number of words he understands when *we* speak them is colossal, for example he has absolutely no problem understanding "Thomas go and sit on your chair if you are going to eat that" (and so he does) or "Can you see a cat in the garden?" (and over he goes to the patio doors)'s just Flyingpops commented the other day "Once Thomas starts properly talking there's going to be no shutting him up"... ;)
Unfortunately, in other Thomas news, he has managed to pick up a bit of conjunctivitis (in both his eyes), the doctors at the hospital prescribed him some eye drops, but when he woke up this morning and we brought him through to the bedroom he looked like he had come off worst in a boxing match overnight, so swollen are his poor little eyes, and oh boy does he hate having the treatment...three times a day in each eye? This is going to be a nightmare...
Out little boy is so clever... I was most impressed with triangle!
hope thomas is better soon
luv sam xxx
Poor little guy, let's hope he recovers quickly. Lots of love from both of us.
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