- after a couple of drinks in the bar awaiting my sister, her husband and Thomas' cousin, we headed across to the playing field to check out the serviceable bonfire (nothing is quite the same after you have seen the one at Brockham) -
- huddling as near as we dared to stay warm -
- and before long the display was underway -
- which Thomas enjoyed very much (much to our relief, as these were his first ever ones)... ;)
Looks great, you know there are times when I miss FP or is it just us at FP.
Largely, it was a great place to work (bar a few bad apples), but it was also almost like being institutionalized...*You* had seen your fair share of the World before getting to FP, but had I stayed there I think I would have had a very narrow view of (at the very least -working-) "life", probably even stayed (contentedly) in the same place until retirement, never even realising what was glittering on the horizon...
Your so right, best thing you did was leaving there mate. Imagine ending up like Bob Warner lol. Your seeing your share of the world now.
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