Still haven't really solved the whole milk issue, Flyingpops bought me a nice chrome flask to replace the expressing pot (too many funny looks from those in the know) however (inevitably) I either forget to fill it up or forget to wash it up, so more often than not I find myself in Tesco (Cabot Square) or Waitrose buying a pint in the morning...the problem with this is that I don't get through a whole pint a day (despite my enthusiasm), and it seems a real waste to pour what I don't use down the sink...
My last attempt at combating this was to write "Digital" (my department) on the side of the bottle and store it in one of the 'fridges in the office kitchen but (oh the cheek!) one morning I forgot that I still had some milk in there, so I popped the new, full, sealed bottle with it's little label in there to reclaim the next day, by the time I had got to it, not only had someone decided that it would be fine to open the bottle up, but had also helped themselves to half the milk!
So now I'm keeping the bottle on my desk...but actually I should probably persist with the kitchen storage, but instead of "Digital", write "Large bloke you definitely wouldn't want to discover you in the act of stealing his milk"...
What are people like??
go back to putting fresh milk in the expressing pot........... then put in the office fridge...... go on be brave... xxx haha..... or baby bottle
Do you know what, that may actually be the best solution! :)
Or get one of those hats with the can either side and a tube then just milk yourself when necessary
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