Okay, that's it now...I'm very, *very* ready for this baby to arrive...I've had *quite* enough of Flyingpops being pregnant (and I know, very definitely, so has she) and it's still five weeks to go...at the start of the pregnancy (16,348 years ago) I can distantly recall life being equally difficult with all the sickness and mood swings (but tempered with excitement and novelty), in the middle of term it was actually a pleasure (smiling to one another listening to the baby monitor, or sitting quietly trying to feel tiny little kicks too weak to make it out through the skin), but now, all the actual fun seems to have drained out of the experience and it's just sheer effort of will that seems to be keeping both of us going...thank goodness (though) at least one part of this particular chapter is drawing to a close as Flyingpops officially finishes working this Friday - firstly to take a little bit of holiday (not actually going anywhere, just stopping the commute into London) and then to formally start her maternity leave...the baby is just about full term now, so it could safely be born pretty much immediately, but I get a funny feeling that MJ is going to hang on in there until the very last possible minute (although I would be thrilled to be proven wrong)...
Anyway, nervous exhaustion aside, I'm not sure we could be much more ready...As you can see in the picture above, we've even run a number of the new baby clothes through the washing machine (and dried them on the line) in readiness...Flyingpops (two) hospital bags are packed, we've got the crisp new pillows and the still-sealed desk fan (etc.) recommended by the NHS antenatal tutor, we've got the TENS machine, we've got a play mat, we've got a steriliser...and the nursery has been ready for weeks...!
All that is missing is the 5lb 8oz awkwardly positioned bundle of kicks currently making it impossible for Flyingpops to breath, digest food, sleep, walk, carry anything, bend down, drive or get in and out of the bath...
Come to your Daddy MJ...
Ahh Fink... I have to say, I think I want some time to switch off from work and prepare for being a mummy before MJ arrives...this includes coffee mornings at bumps and babes, yoga, catching up with friends, folding and refolding the baby clothes and whilst you may think the house is ready... I certainly have some jobs to do (including lots of cleaning, sorting and pops still needs to put up the blind/curtains in the nursery)...
All in all - yes, we are ready if MJ were to arrive, yes, i'm a little uncomfortable (but that only came on this week) But I'm patient and prepared to wait... so MJ, listen to mummy and stay where you are for now until Maternity leave officially starts on 2nd Sep. Daddy will have a lifetime of cuddles waiting for you. x
I'm loving the different opinions... hehe xx
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