- it being a Monday it was actually rather quiet (only about 20 drunk teenage chavs making a nuisance of themselves) so I decided to pass the time looking around the place (normally it's just a quick dash in to grab this or that in one of the shops), and it actually (if that were possible) seems to be going downhill (despite the obviously totally ineffectual threat of "Big Brother" watching from above) -
- for example, this signpost, situated on Station Road right by the Harlequin theatre -
- has been subtly modified so that not a single arm is actually pointing in the right direction any longer, and the Pedestrian Zone signs have seen better days, this one being modified by spray can to resemble a bowling ball (for some reason) -
- and the other one used as a notice board/poster site, and lettering picked at -
- even the new take-away in town could have used a little in the way of help with their sign painting -
- that sort of level of attention to detail doesn't exactly fill one with hope as to the quality of the advertised food...Still there are signs of regeneration, the new bus station is coming along nicely (can't wait for that to be finally finished) -
- but I can't quite get my head around how it is going to work, it looks like they have got rid of the three lanes they used to have in favour of a sort of bumpy roundabout type affair, with bays arranged around the edge and only a very narrow entrance...Still, I'm sure they have it all worked out perfectly *raises eyes to heaven in silent prayer* and it has to be better than the current facilities -
- still, maybe that's me being spoilt by the glittering wonders of Canary Wharf, Redhill didn't seem that bad compared with Kings Cross... ;)
More pictures of Redhill here...